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Since the roof isn’t easy to check every day, it’s tricky to know when you need a residential roof replacement on Maui. However, there are several telltale signs to look out for if you’re trying to figure out if you need a residential roof replacement on Maui. Read on to find out.

How to tell if you need a residential roof replacement on Maui

Here are key signs that make it easier to figure out if you need a residential roof replacement on Maui:

Water damage

If you observe damp patches on the upper floors of your room, something could be wrong with your roof. Other signs are mildew and watermarks. While these signs could mean other things, they can also be signs that you need a residential roof repair or replacement. Even when you only observe a small watermark it could mean a leaky roof. Don’t wait for further damage, check the roof right away or call an expert for a roof inspection.

Residential Roof Replacement on Maui

Mold and moss growth

Another key thing to look out for is mold and moss growth. If you can see them outside your roof, they can easily force tiles apart to create a gap that can let water in. You shouldn’t hesitate to check your roof for tiles that show indications of moss, mildew, or rotting. Make sure you deal with this issue as soon as you spot them. Bacteria and fungi are known for causing severe damage to the roof.

Light through your roof

Once in a while turn off the lights in the upper rooms of your home to find out if sunlight is coming through your roof. One of the best times to do this is when the sun is up. Turn off the lights indoors to figure out if there’s a crack or a hole in your roof. If there’s a huge hole or crack, you may need a residential roof replacement on Maui.


Is the top of your roof following a straight line along the ridge? If you spot a sag or a saddle-back in the middle, it could be an indication of structural damage and can cause your roof to cave in if not identified and fixed early.

Sometimes, roofing sagging might be caused by constant exposure to moisture, poor roofing materials, and faulty installations, etc. Sagging could mean the roof is due for repairs or you need a residential roof replacement on Maui.

Debris in gutters

Take a look at your gutters. If you observe sand-like granules, asphalt shingles, or any other roofing materials, it could be signs that part of your roofing are falling off. Even more, once you notice an increase in residue, you might need a roof repair or residential roof replacement on Maui. Early detection of roofing issues is key to avoid major repairs and residential roof replacement on Maui.

Other key signs

Other key signs that you might need a roof replacement on Maui include falling mortar, rotting underlay, and ridges. Once you spot any of these signs, you shouldn’t wait for further damage before checking your roof or inviting a professional for a roof inspection.

Wondering if you need a residential roof replacement on Maui? Contact us now for a free consultation.